Loss assessment
CONTIN s.r.o. is a stand-alone adjuster in the field of insurance settlement. We provide assessment services to insurance companies and the Czech Insurers' Bureau. We guarantee professional, prompt and impartial resolution of all kinds of claims from damage to vehicles to natural damage. We provide comprehensive services and search for solutions to satisfy all the needs of our clients.
Adjustment for insurance companies
We have the necessary know-how for settlement of claims of all kinds. Our services are modified to meet the specific needs of our partners. Long-term clients include Allianz, Vienna Insurance Group, Česká pojišťovna, ČSOB and other major financial groups and insurance companies.
Adjustment for CIB
We are an exclusive partner of the Czech Insurers' Bureau (CIB) in the field of loss assessment. Through close collaboration with professional organizations and prestigious positions in the field of liability we are close to our clients and we have almost all the information at first hand.
Find your nearest contracted service
In addition to loss assessment, we also arrange a complete reparation and service. We have a network of certified automotive service centers throughout the Czech Republic with guaranteed quality of service and prices.

Habus autoservis
Koželužská 24, Cheb 350 02 | tel: +420603482455 | info@habus-sro.cz
Autodílna - Silovský
Železná 14, Karlovy Vary 360 04 | tel: +420603842334 | autodilnasilovsky@seznam.cz
BC One s r.o.
Kyjovská 606, Planá 348 15 | tel: +420728514795 | bcone@seznam.cz
Autosprávkárna s.r.o
Žďárského 194 - Kožichovice, Třebíč 674 01 | tel: +420724888277 | radka@autospravkarna.cz
Autoservis - Hugo Muller
U střelnice 1744, Chotěboř 583 01 | tel: +420602187814 | autoservis.muller@seznam.cz
Patrik Linhart
U Hlavního Nádraží 4a, Jihlava 586 01 | tel: +420777806608 | info@autopneulinhart.cz
Brněnská 2197/44, Žďár nad Sázavou 591 01 | tel: +420731568576 | pmautocentrum@seznam.cz
Autoservis Petr
Petrovická 1337, Nové Město n/Moravě 592 31 | tel: +420774734081 | martin@autoservispetr.cz
Auto-Neza, Mareš
Myslotínská 2044, Pelhřimov 393 01 | tel: +420777553807 | mares@autoneza.cz
Autotrio Vícha
K ochozi 664, Bystřice nad Pernštejnem 593 01 | tel: +420603276192 | autotrio@email.cz